IBM Db2 Administration

Enterprise design
Project Overview
Jobs, part of administration, was a newly added feature that schedules recurring queries. This project includes creation flow, scheduling, and history view. The Jobs features help users complete tasks quickly and conveniently.
My Role
UX design
Usability testing
1 UX designer (Myself)
2 Engineers
1 PM
01. Discover

What was the problem?

Users had to create the same work whenever they want to run queries. They had to write a script, select databases, and the result was not saved. Users wanted a feature that schedules a recurring job once, runs periodically, and saves the results.

Who is the target user?

What is the goal?

DBA can monitor and mange 45 jobs at a glance. They can also create jobs easily in just a few clicks.

02. Define

Let’s see what use case that we have to tackle

  • Use case 1: Users want to manage several jobs at once.
  • Use case 2: Users can create jobs and schedules them to run at specific times.
  • Use case 3: Users can view run history and investigate jobs when they fail to complete.
03. Concept

Pencil sketch

04. Design - 1st iteration

Main page

Users can manage several jobs quickly such as monitoring the job that has an error or future schedule. Also, they can drill down to specific jobs to see detailed information.

Create flow

Users can create jobs in four steps; define, select databases, schedule, and finish. Before selecting a database, users have to select job types (on-demand or scheduled). According to the job type, the options for databases change.

Detail page

Users can view detailed information about run history.

05. Validate

Usability testing

Conducted usability testing for overall use case of Jobs. Recruited 5 participants for a moderated interview.

Key takeaway

  • Overall contents and interaction flow were good
  • Issue 1: Revise status bar
  • Issue 2: Revise create flow especially selecting job type
06. Design - final iteration

Jobs main page

After luanching


This Jobs design is used in other products such as Reports
and Blackouts as a product default design

Users were satisfied by this whole new feature

"Our customers loved the Jobs feature and they used right away."

-IBM product manager

Next step

  • Jobs to run on arbitrary schedule
  • Multi schedule function in one job